If you live in a noisy area, then you will likely want some sort of noise-reducing window treatment to make your home a quiet oasis. With recent advances in technology, there are several options available to consumers when it comes to keeping your home quiet. Below are a few considerations you should keep in mind when deciding what type of noise-reduction treatment you want to install.
Light Reduction
The traditional method of reducing noise in a home involves black-out curtains. These are simply thick curtains that hang over your windows and muffle sound. These work by directly blocking sound and creating a pocket of dead air to trap sound. They also block out light, which for some people is a benefit. They are ideal if you only want the noise-canceling affect at night when you are trying to sleep. However, some people want noise reduction throughout the day without sacrificing light. In this case, you would want noise-canceling windows or sheer curtains.
If you install soundproof windows in your home, then you will have your noise reduction 24 hours a day. However, some people prefer to be able to hear clearly during the day. For example, if you have children who are playing outside, you may want to be able to hear them without opening your windows. For adjustable sound levels, you should opt for curtains or shades. In the near future, noise cancelling devices that stick to a corner of your window and work using the same technology as noise cancelling headphones may become available. These will give you the ultimate control over sound adjustments.
Energy Efficiency
You may assume that the often-thicker windows that offer noise cancellation are automatically energy efficient as well. But reducing temperature loss requires different technology than blocking sound. If you want to reduce your energy costs, you will need to add this feature to a noise-reducing window or opt for thick curtains or cellular shades.
Types of Sound to Block
Before you purchase your noise reduction system, you should consider the types of noise you want to block. Sounds with lower frequencies are more difficult to block and require more efficient sound-blocking technology. If you want to block out the sound of neighbor kids playing, a cheaper window treatment will likely suffice. But if you need to block out sounds of traffic, you will need a more efficient window treatment.
For additional information, contact a company like EZ Sound Proof.